Too Many Favicons

where to get favicons in 20 different size?

I thought I only need to replace content from the forked repo. How hard can this be? Delete all the posts, images and tags relates to them. Upload my own avatar photo and write my own about and contact pages. Ah, not done yet. What should I do with all these icon images?

android-icon-144x144.png		android-icon-192x192.png
android-icon-36x36.png			android-icon-48x48.png
android-icon-72x72.png			android-icon-96x96.png
apple-icon-114x114.png			apple-icon-120x120.png
apple-icon-144x144.png			apple-icon-152x152.png
apple-icon-180x180.png			apple-icon-57x57.png
apple-icon-60x60.png			apple-icon-72x72.png
apple-icon-76x76.png			apple-icon-precomposed.png
apple-icon.png				favicon.ico
favicon-16x16.png			favicon-256x256.png
favicon-32x32.png			favicon-96x96.png
ms-icon-144x144.png			ms-icon-150x150.png
ms-icon-310x310.png			ms-icon-70x70.png

Well, I don’t really care how they are used in different devices. Some code in the repo probably has already taken care of that. I just need to

Fortunately I don’t need to install anything. Online tools are good enough for these tasks. let me generate the logo with different font, size, text color and backgroud color.

Once we have the image, then it can be upload to here, here and here. The last one is particularly nice for me because the filenames are exactly what I need. aaaaaaaand that’s it. Hope this post can be useful to myself when I want to change logo in the future. haha.

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